The Department of Botany is one of the major disciplines in the faculty of Natural Sciences. Although it was started with very limited number of faculty members in the year 1980, it has now 7 (Seven) highly qualified faculty, mostly trained and educated abroad. At the start, the Department was primarily engaged in teaching however; the research was carried out only on a limited scale. With the passage of time, when the Campus became full-fledged University in the year 1987, the research activities of the Department increased, the faculty has produced more than 12 Ph.Ds and about 37 M.Phil./MS scholars. A number of students are registered for both higher degrees and their final degrees are under process. The department has two major components, Date Palm Research Institute (DPRI) and Center for Biodiversity & Conservation (CBC), including Botanical Garden and Herbarium.

In addition to the central library of the university, the department has a well established seminar library with reading and reference sections, it consisting 1800 Books for references on various disciplines of Botany and other relevant subjects for undergraduate students, research scholars and teachers. In the current year, a number of advanced books have been added; in addition to these, there are four research journals, (Mycopaht, Pakistan Journal of Botany, Hamdard Medicus and Journal of Applied Sciences) of various universities and organizations are also available. Recently Internet facility along with LED HD Television has been placed in the department for updated research advancement all over the world for postgraduate research scholars.


  1. B.S (Four-Year)
  2. M. Sc (Two-Year)
  3. MS/M.Phil.
  4. Ph.D.

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