The Department of Sindhi was established in the year of 1990. It offers B.S (Four – year program) and M.A Degree Courses. B.S (Four Year Program) and M.A Classes are conducted in the morning shift. Facility of Seminar Library is also available. Literary Meetings are organized regularly. The Department has published fifteen issues of Research Journal Bhittai including Tanveer Abbasi number and Shaikh Ayaz number. Thirty Eight scholars have been awarded degrees of M. Phil. Students are encouraged to be involved in research and literary activities. More than hundred monographs have been written on various literary topics, by the students. The Department provides research facilities to young scholars. This Department is actively involved to protect and promote the culture, language, literature and venerated tradition of Sindh, especially of Khairpur region. The Department is not only providing general education and literature but also moral education to the students for their character building.

Programs Offered 

  1. B.S (Four years)
  2. M.A (Two years)