The history of the Department of International Relations is as old as the Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur itself since the establishment in the year 1977. This Department has been imparting quality education to the youth of upper Sindh area of Pakistan. The Department of International Relations has made valuable contribution to the objectives of the teaching and learning of International relations in the society, due to which the Department of International Relations was included one more discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) and to upgraded up the level of Institute.

Though the prism of Discipline of international Relations (IR) and Discipline of Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS), the students of Institute of International Relations look the world differently.

Theoretically this institute provides the verity of the knowledge of conservative, liberal and revolutionary world. Each one of these has the lens, through which the world looks different. At the same time these three perspectives can complement each other and the most of the theories draw on all three, but in different proportions.

Understanding International Relations (IR) and Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) both requires descriptive and theoretical knowledge in post-cold war, new world order, international terrorism, insurgency, global power politics, dispute resolutions, growing number and increasing the role of non state actors, climate change and environment challenges have come on the agenda of Institute of International Relations, which have made it an unavoidable and an inevitable institute


International Relations (IR)

  1. BS (Four Years)
  2. MA (Two Years) 

Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS)

  1. BS (Four Years)
  2. MA (Two Years)

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